Source code for benchbuild.environments.domain.model

import abc
import enum
import typing as tp

import attr

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class Message: pass
MessageT = tp.Type[Message]
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class Event(Message): pass
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class Command(Message): pass
[docs] class LayerState(enum.Enum): PRESENT = 1 ABSENT = 2
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class Layer(abc.ABC): """ A layer represents a filesystem layer in a container image. Layers can be 'virtual' in the sense that they do not lead to changes in the container image filesystem, e.g. setting up the build context. This more or less represents commands/statements available in buildah or Dockerfiles. Examples: buildah add -> AddLayer buildah copy -> CopyLayer buildah from -> FromLayer """
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class FromLayer(Layer): base: str = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: return f'FROM {self.base}'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class AddLayer(Layer): sources: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = attr.ib() destination: str = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: sources = ' '.join(self.sources) return f'ADD {sources} self.destination'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class CopyLayer(Layer): sources: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = attr.ib() destination: str = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: sources = ' '.join(self.sources) return f'COPY {sources} {self.destination}'
[docs] def immutable_kwargs( kwargs: tp.Dict[str, str] ) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[str, str], ...]: """ Convert str-typed kwargs into a hashable tuple. """ return tuple((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items())
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class RunLayer(Layer): command: str = attr.ib() args: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = attr.ib() kwargs: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[str, str], ...] = attr.ib(converter=immutable_kwargs) def __str__(self) -> str: args = ' '.join(self.args) return f'RUN {self.command} {args}'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class ContextLayer(Layer): func: tp.Callable[[], None] = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: return 'CONTEXT custom build context modification'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class UpdateEnv(Layer): env: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[str, str], ...] = attr.ib(converter=immutable_kwargs) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'ENV {len(self.env)} entries'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class WorkingDirectory(Layer): directory: str = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: return f'CWD {}'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class EntryPoint(Layer): command: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: command = ' '.join(self.command) return f'ENTRYPOINT {command}'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class SetCommand(Layer): command: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: command = ' '.join(self.command) return f'CMD {command}'
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True) class Mount: source: str = attr.ib() target: str = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.source}:{}'
[docs] @attr.s(eq=False) class Image: name: str = attr.ib() from_: FromLayer = attr.ib() layers: tp.List[Layer] = attr.ib() events: tp.List[Message] = attr.ib(attr.Factory(list)) env: tp.Dict[str, str] = attr.ib(attr.Factory(dict)) mounts: tp.List[Mount] = attr.ib(attr.Factory(list)) layer_index: tp.Dict[Layer, LayerState] = attr.ib(attr.Factory(dict))
[docs] def update_env(self, **kwargs: str) -> None: self.env.update(kwargs)
[docs] def append(self, *layers: Layer) -> None: for layer in layers: self.layers.append(layer) self.layer_index[layer] = LayerState.ABSENT
[docs] def present(self, layer: Layer) -> None: if layer in self.layer_index: self.layer_index[layer] = LayerState.PRESENT
[docs] def is_present(self, layer: Layer) -> bool: return layer in self.layer_index and self.layer_index[ layer] == LayerState.PRESENT
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return all([ state == LayerState.PRESENT for state in self.layer_index.values() ])
[docs] def prepend(self, layer: Layer) -> None: old_layers = self.layers self.layers = [layer] self.layers.extend(old_layers) self.layer_index[layer] = LayerState.ABSENT
MaybeImage = tp.Optional[Image]
[docs] @attr.s(eq=False) class Container: container_id: str = attr.ib() image: Image = attr.ib() context: str = attr.ib() name: str = attr.ib() events: tp.List[Message] = attr.ib(attr.Factory(list))
MaybeContainer = tp.Optional[Container]