Source code for benchbuild.source.git

Declare a git source.
import os
import typing as tp
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import plumbum as pb
from plumbum.commands.base import BoundCommand

from benchbuild.utils.cmd import git, ln, mkdir

from . import base

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

VarRemotes = tp.Union[str, tp.Dict[str, str]]
Remotes = tp.Dict[str, str]

[docs] class Git(base.FetchableSource): """ Fetch the downloadable source via git. """ def __init__( self, remote: str, local: str, clone: bool = True, limit: tp.Optional[int] = 10, refspec: str = 'HEAD', shallow: bool = True, version_filter: tp.Callable[[str], bool] = lambda version: True ): super().__init__(local, remote) self.clone = clone self.limit = limit self.refspec = refspec self.shallow = shallow self.version_filter = version_filter @property def default(self) -> base.Variant: """ Return current HEAD as default version for this Git project. """ return self.versions()[0]
[docs] def fetch(self) -> pb.LocalPath: """ Clone the repository, if needed. This will create a git clone inside the global cache directory. Args: version (Optional[str], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: str: [description] """ prefix = base.target_prefix() clone = maybe_shallow( git['clone', '--recurse-submodules'], self.shallow ) fetch = git['fetch', '--update-shallow', '--all'] flat_local = self.local.replace(os.sep, '-') cache_path = pb.local.path(prefix) / flat_local if clone_needed(self.remote, cache_path): clone(self.remote, cache_path) else: with pb.local.cwd(cache_path): fetch() return cache_path
[docs] def version(self, target_dir: str, version: str = 'HEAD') -> pb.LocalPath: """ Create a new git worktree pointing to the requested version. Args: target_dir (str): The filesystem path where the new worktree should live. version (str): The desired version the new worktree needs to point to. Defaults to 'HEAD'. Returns: str: [description] """ src_loc = self.fetch() active_loc = pb.local.path(target_dir) / self.local tgt_subdir = f'{self.local}-{version}' tgt_loc = pb.local.path(target_dir) / tgt_subdir clone = git['clone'] pull = git['pull'] rev_parse = git['rev-parse'] checkout = git['checkout'] with pb.local.cwd(src_loc): is_shallow = rev_parse('--is-shallow-repository').strip() if is_shallow == 'true': pull('--unshallow') if Path(tgt_loc).exists(): 'Found target location %s. Going to skip creation and ' 'repository cloning.', str(tgt_loc) ) else: mkdir('-p', tgt_loc) with pb.local.cwd(tgt_loc): clone( '--dissociate', '--recurse-submodules', '--reference', src_loc, self.remote, '.' ) checkout('--detach', version) ln('-nsf', tgt_subdir, active_loc) return tgt_loc
[docs] def versions(self) -> tp.List[base.Variant]: cache_path = self.fetch() git_rev_list = git['rev-list', '--abbrev-commit', '--abbrev=10'] rev_list: tp.List[str] = [] with pb.local.cwd(cache_path): rev_list = list(git_rev_list(self.refspec).strip().split('\n')) rev_list = list(filter(self.version_filter, rev_list)) rev_list = rev_list[:self.limit] if self.limit else rev_list revs = [base.Variant(version=rev, owner=self) for rev in rev_list] return revs
[docs] class GitSubmodule(Git): @property def is_expandable(self) -> bool: """Submodules will not participate in version expansion.""" return False
[docs] def maybe_shallow(cmd: BoundCommand, enable: bool) -> BoundCommand: """ Conditionally add the shallow clone to the given git command. Args: cmd (Any): A git clone command (shallow doesn't make sense anywhere else. shallow (bool): Should we add the shallow options? Returns: Any: A new git clone command, with shallow clone enabled, if selected. """ if enable: return cmd['--depth', '1'] return cmd
[docs] def clone_needed(repository: VarRemotes, repo_loc: str) -> bool: from import __clone_needed__ if not isinstance(repository, str): raise TypeError('\'remote\' needs to be a git repo string') return __clone_needed__(repository, repo_loc)