Source code for benchbuild.utils.actions

"""# Actions

Actions are enhanced callables that are used by `Experiments` to define
the order of operations a project is put through when the experiment

## Example

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import enum
import functools as ft
import itertools
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import typing as tp
from datetime import datetime

from plumbum import ProcessExecutionError

from benchbuild import command, signals, source
from benchbuild.settings import CFG
from benchbuild.utils import db, run
from benchbuild.utils.cmd import mkdir, rm, rmdir

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ReturnType = tp.TypeVar("ReturnType")
ReturnTypeA = tp.TypeVar("ReturnTypeA")
ReturnTypeB = tp.TypeVar("ReturnTypeB")
DecoratedFunction = tp.Callable[..., ReturnType]
FunctionDecorator = tp.Callable[[DecoratedFunction[ReturnTypeA]],

    import benchbuild.experiment.Experiment  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    import benchbuild.project.Project  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    import benchbuild.utils.schema.Experiment  # pylint: disable=unused-import

[docs] @enum.unique class StepResult(enum.IntEnum): """Result type for action results.""" UNSET = 0 OK = 1 CAN_CONTINUE = 2 ERROR = 3
StepResultList = tp.List[StepResult]
[docs] def step_has_failed( result: StepResult, error_status: tp.Optional[tp.List[StepResult]] = None ) -> bool: if not error_status: error_status = [StepResult.ERROR, StepResult.CAN_CONTINUE] return result in error_status
[docs] def prepend_status(func: DecoratedFunction[str]) -> DecoratedFunction[str]: """Prepends the output of `func` with the status.""" @tp.overload def wrapper(self: "Step", indent: int) -> str: ... @tp.overload def wrapper(self: "Step") -> str: ... @ft.wraps(func) def wrapper(self: "Step", *args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any) -> str: """Wrapper stub.""" res = func(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.status is not StepResult.UNSET: res = f"[{}]{res}" return res return wrapper
[docs] def log_before_after(name: str, desc: str) -> FunctionDecorator[StepResult, StepResult]: """Log customized string before & after running func.""" def func_decorator( func: DecoratedFunction[StepResult], ) -> DecoratedFunction[StepResult]: """Wrapper stub.""" @ft.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any) -> StepResult: """Wrapper stub.""""\n%s - %s", name, desc) res = func(*args, **kwargs) msg = f"{name} - {}" if res != StepResult.ERROR: else: LOG.error(msg) return res return wrapper return func_decorator
[docs] class Step: """ Base class of a step. Raises: StopIteration: If we do not encapsulate more substeps. """ NAME: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" DESCRIPTION: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" status: StepResult def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: tp.Any): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) setattr( cls, "__call__", log_before_after(cls.NAME, cls.DESCRIPTION)(cls.__call__) ) setattr(cls, "__str__", prepend_status(cls.__str__)) def __init__(self, status: StepResult) -> None: self.status = status def __len__(self) -> int: return 1 def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return f"* Running action {self.NAME} - {self.DESCRIPTION}"
[docs] def onerror(self) -> None: """ Default implementation does nothing. """
@abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self) -> StepResult: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ProjectStep(Step): """Base class of a project step. Adds a project attribute to the Step base class and some defaults. Raises: StopIteration: If we do not encapsulate more substeps. """ NAME: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" DESCRIPTION: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" project: "benchbuild.project.Project" def __init__(self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project") -> None: super().__init__(StepResult.UNSET) self.project = project def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent("* Execute configured action.", indent * " ")
[docs] def onerror(self) -> None: Clean(self.project)()
@abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self) -> StepResult: raise NotImplementedError
StepTy_co = tp.TypeVar("StepTy_co", bound=Step, covariant=True)
[docs] class MultiStep(Step, tp.Generic[StepTy_co]): """Group multiple actions into one step. Usually used to define behavior on error, e.g., execute everything regardless of any errors, or fail everything upon first error. """ NAME: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" DESCRIPTION: tp.ClassVar[str] = "" actions: tp.MutableSequence[StepTy_co] def __init__( self, actions: tp.Optional[tp.MutableSequence[StepTy_co]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(StepResult.UNSET) self.actions = list(actions) if actions else [] def __len__(self) -> int: return sum([len(x) for x in self.actions]) + 1 def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[StepTy_co]: return self.actions.__iter__() @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self) -> StepResult: raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def onerror(self) -> None: pass
[docs] class Clean(ProjectStep): NAME = "CLEAN" DESCRIPTION = "Cleans the build directory" def __init__( self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project", check_empty: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(project) self.check_empty = check_empty
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_mountpoints(root: str) -> None: """Unmount any remaining mountpoints under :root. Args: root: All UnionFS-mountpoints under this directory will be unmounted. """ import psutil # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel umount_paths = [] real_root = os.path.realpath(root) for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True): if os.path.commonpath([part.mountpoint, real_root]) == real_root: if not part.fstype == "fuse.unionfs": LOG.error("NON-UnionFS mountpoint found under %s", root) else: umount_paths.append(part.mountpoint)
def __call__(self) -> StepResult: if not CFG["clean"]: LOG.warning("Clean disabled by config.") return StepResult.OK if not self.project: LOG.warning("No object assigned to this action.") return StepResult.ERROR obj_builddir = os.path.abspath(self.project.builddir) if os.path.exists(obj_builddir): LOG.debug("Path %s exists", obj_builddir) Clean.clean_mountpoints(obj_builddir) if self.check_empty: rmdir(obj_builddir, retcode=None) else: rm("-rf", obj_builddir) else: LOG.debug("Path %s did not exist anymore", obj_builddir) self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: project = self.project return textwrap.indent( f"* {}: Clean the directory: {project.builddir}", indent * " " )
[docs] class MakeBuildDir(ProjectStep): NAME = "MKDIR" DESCRIPTION = "Create the build directory" def __call__(self) -> StepResult: if not self.project: return StepResult.ERROR if not os.path.exists(self.project.builddir): mkdir("-p", self.project.builddir) self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent( f"* {}: Create the build directory", indent * " " )
[docs] class Compile(ProjectStep): NAME = "COMPILE" DESCRIPTION = "Compile the project" def __call__(self) -> StepResult: try: self.project.compile() except ProcessExecutionError: self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent(f"* {}: Compile", indent * " ")
[docs] class Run(ProjectStep): NAME = "RUN" DESCRIPTION = "Execute the run action" experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment" def __init__( self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project", experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment", ) -> None: super().__init__(project) self.experiment = experiment def __call__(self) -> StepResult: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: group, session = run.begin_run_group(self.project, self.experiment) signals.handlers.register(run.fail_run_group, group, session) try: self.project.run_tests() if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.end_run_group(group, session) self.status = StepResult.OK except ProcessExecutionError: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.fail_run_group(group, session) self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise except KeyboardInterrupt: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.fail_run_group(group, session) self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise finally: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: signals.handlers.deregister(run.fail_run_group) return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent( f"* {}: Execute run-time tests.", indent * " " )
[docs] class Echo(Step): NAME = "ECHO" DESCRIPTION = "Print a message." message: str def __init__(self, message: str = "") -> None: super().__init__(StepResult.UNSET) self.message = message def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent(f"* echo: {self.message}", indent * " ") def __call__(self) -> StepResult: return StepResult.OK
[docs] def run_any_child(child: Step) -> StepResult: """Execute child step. Args: child: The child step. """ return child()
[docs] class Any(MultiStep): NAME = "ANY" DESCRIPTION = "Just run all actions, no questions asked." def __call__(self) -> StepResult: length = len(self.actions) cnt = 0 results = [StepResult.OK] for a in self.actions: cnt = cnt + 1 result = a() results.append(result) if result == StepResult.ERROR: LOG.warning("%d actions left in queue", length - cnt) self.status = StepResult.OK if StepResult.ERROR in results: self.status = StepResult.CAN_CONTINUE return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: sub_actns = "\n".join([a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self.actions]) return textwrap.indent("* Execute all of:\n" + sub_actns, indent * " ")
[docs] class Experiment(Any): NAME = "EXPERIMENT" DESCRIPTION = "Run a experiment, wrapped in a db transaction" experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment" def __init__( self, experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment", actions: tp.Optional[tp.MutableSequence[Step]], ) -> None: _actions: tp.MutableSequence[Step] = [ Echo(message=f"Start experiment: {}") ] _actions.extend(actions if actions else []) _actions.extend([ Echo(message=f"Completed experiment: {}") ]) super().__init__(_actions) self.experiment = experiment
[docs] def begin_transaction( self, ) -> tp.Tuple["benchbuild.utils.schema.Experiment", tp.Any]: import sqlalchemy as sa # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel experiment, session = db.persist_experiment(self.experiment) if experiment.begin is None: experiment.begin = experiment.end = experiment.begin else: experiment.begin = min(experiment.begin, session.add(experiment) try: session.commit() except sa.orm.exc.StaleDataError: LOG.error("Transaction isolation level caused a StaleDataError") # React to external signals signals.handlers.register( Experiment.end_transaction, experiment, session ) return experiment, session
[docs] @staticmethod def end_transaction( experiment: "benchbuild.utils.schema.Experiment", session: tp.Any ) -> None: import sqlalchemy as sa # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel try: experiment.end = max(experiment.end, session.add(experiment) session.commit() except sa.exc.InvalidRequestError as inv_req: LOG.error(inv_req)
def __run_children(self, num_processes: int) -> tp.List[StepResult]: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import pathos.multiprocessing as mp results = [] actions = self.actions try: with mp.Pool(num_processes) as pool: results =, actions) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Experiment aborting by user request") results.append(StepResult.ERROR) except Exception: LOG.error("Experiment terminates " "because we got an exception:") e_type, e_value, e_traceb = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(e_type, e_value, e_traceb) LOG.error("".join(lines)) results.append(StepResult.ERROR) return results def __call__(self) -> StepResult: results = [] session = None if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: experiment, session = self.begin_transaction() try: results = self.__run_children(int(CFG["parallel_processes"])) finally: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: self.end_transaction(experiment, session) signals.handlers.deregister(self.end_transaction) self.status = max(results) if results else StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: sub_actns = "\n".join([a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self.actions]) return textwrap.indent( f"\nExperiment: {}\n{sub_actns}", indent * " " )
[docs] class RequireAll(MultiStep): NAME = "REQUIRE ALL" DESCRIPTION = "All child steps need to succeed" def __call__(self) -> StepResult: results: tp.List[StepResult] = [] total_steps = len(self.actions) def no_fail(*args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any): return StepResult.ERROR not in results for i, action in itertools.takewhile(no_fail, enumerate(self.actions)): result = StepResult.UNSET try: result = action() except ProcessExecutionError as proc_ex: LOG.error("\n==== ERROR ====") LOG.error( "Execution of a binary failed in step: %s", str(action) ) LOG.error(str(proc_ex)) LOG.error("==== ERROR ====\n") result = StepResult.ERROR except KeyboardInterrupt:"User requested termination.") action.onerror() action.status = StepResult.ERROR raise except Exception: LOG.error( "Exception in step #%d/%d: %s", i, total_steps, str(action), exc_info=sys.exc_info(), ) result = StepResult.ERROR results.append(result) action.status = result is_failed = StepResult.ERROR in results if is_failed: LOG.error("Execution of: '%s' failed.", str(action)) LOG.error("'%s' cannot continue.", str(self)) action.onerror() self.status = max(results) if results else StepResult.UNSET return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: sub_actns = "\n".join([a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self.actions]) return textwrap.indent(f"* All required:\n{sub_actns}", indent * " ")
WorkloadTy = tp.Callable[[], tp.Any]
[docs] class RunWorkload(ProjectStep): NAME = "RUN WORKLOAD" DESCRIPTION = "Run a project's workload" _workload: tp.Optional[WorkloadTy] @property def workload_ref(self) -> WorkloadTy: # Workaround for MyPy... assert self._workload is not None, "non-optional optional triggered" return self._workload def __init__( self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project", workload: tp.Optional[WorkloadTy] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(project) self._workload = workload def __call__(self) -> StepResult: try: self.workload_ref() self.status = StepResult.OK except ProcessExecutionError: self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: return textwrap.indent(f"* Run: {str(self.workload_ref)}", indent * " ")
[docs] class RunWorkloads(MultiStep): NAME = "RUN WORKLOADS" DESCRIPTION = "Generic run all project workloads" project: "benchbuild.project.Project" experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment" def __init__( self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project", experiment: "benchbuild.experiment.Experiment", run_only: tp.Optional[command.WorkloadSet] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.project = project self.experiment = experiment index = command.unwrap(project.workloads, project) workloads = itertools.chain( *command.filter_workload_index(run_only, index) ) for workload in workloads: self.actions.extend([ RunWorkload(project, command.ProjectCommand(project, workload)) ]) def __call__(self) -> StepResult: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: group, session = run.begin_run_group(self.project, self.experiment) signals.handlers.register(run.fail_run_group, group, session) try: self.status = max([workload() for workload in self.actions], default=StepResult.OK) if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.end_run_group(group, session) except ProcessExecutionError: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.fail_run_group(group, session) self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise except KeyboardInterrupt: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: run.fail_run_group(group, session) self.status = StepResult.ERROR raise finally: if CFG["db"]["enabled"]: signals.handlers.deregister(run.fail_run_group) return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: sub_actns = "\n".join([a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self.actions]) return textwrap.indent( f"* Require all of {}'s workloads:\n{sub_actns}", indent * " " )
[docs] class CleanExtra(Step): NAME = "CLEAN EXTRA" DESCRIPTION = "Cleans the extra directories." def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(StepResult.UNSET) def __call__(self) -> StepResult: if not CFG["clean"]: return StepResult.OK paths = CFG["cleanup_paths"].value for p in paths: if os.path.exists(p): rm("-r", p) self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: paths = CFG["cleanup_paths"].value lines = [] for p in paths: lines.append( textwrap.indent(f"* Clean the directory: {p}", indent * " ") ) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] class ProjectEnvironment(ProjectStep): NAME = "ENV" DESCRIPTION = "Prepare the project environment." def __call__(self) -> StepResult: project = self.project project.clear_paths() revision = project.revision for variant in revision.variants: name ="Fetching %s @ %s", str(name), variant.version) src = variant.source() src.version(project.builddir, str(variant)) self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: project = self.project revision = project.revision version_str = str(revision) return textwrap.indent( f"* Project environment for: {} @ {version_str}", indent * " " )
[docs] class SetProjectVersion(ProjectStep): NAME = "SET PROJECT VERSION" DESCRIPTION = "Checkout a project version" revision: source.Revision def __init__( self, project: "benchbuild.project.Project", *revision_strings: source.base.RevisionStr, ) -> None: super().__init__(project) self.revision = source.revision_from_str( revision_strings, type(project) ) def __call__(self) -> StepResult: project = self.project revision = project.active_revision revision.update(self.revision) for variant in revision.variants: name ="Fetching %s @ %s", str(name), variant.version) src = variant.source() src.version(project.builddir, str(variant)) project.active_revision = revision self.status = StepResult.OK return self.status def __str__(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: project = self.project version_str = str(self.revision) return textwrap.indent( f"* Add project version {version_str} for: {}", indent * " " )